The Slender Man Wiki


6/4/13 8.29am.

Been really paranoid for 3 days constantly, still having nightmares and last nights was the worst by far, so far....headaches, blacking out, a weird nose bleed? I never have them. High pitched sound in my ears. Blurry vision and crazy colours flashing in my eyes so I can't see anything at all. Feel weak and generally just ill.

Yesterday morning, I forgot to say, when I first turned on the laptop it froze almost straight away on the start up screen and while at first I didn't realise and I picked up my phone to send a text and my phone was frozen too!? they were both dead for about 10!?

So the dream I had last was un-natural, un-nerving, un-human? Inhuman? I dunno. Twice to size of me, I looked up and up and up, I was standing right infront of him, a fear that you cannot describe. But he was looking over me not even noticing me so that's good, I made it out of that dream lol, guess I was lucky.....F#######J##########MY######F#### gosh.

What else, nothing other than the above.

unghh I hurt, I actually physically hurt or ache all over like I've been out all night clubbing or something! meh
